Vaisnava Calendar, Volume-04 Number-09, 2007
Vaisnava Calendar September 2007 04 SEP 2007 TUESDAY: SRI KRSNA JANMASTAMI: Appearance of Lord Srl Krsna (Fasting till midnight) 05 SEP 2007 WEDNESDAY: Nandotsava, Appearance of Srila Prabhupada (Fasting till noon) 07 SEP 2007 FRIDAY: Fasting for... read moreContemptus Mundi by Syamananda Dasa
Once an infamous robber was asked why he continued to rob banks. His answer – "That's where they keep all the money". So it seems that the only way to stop him from robbing banks was to remove all money from them. But by the same logic, if the... read more
In Your Own Words
If you had unlimited money what one thing would you do to spread Krsna consciousness? I WOULD MAKE A village preaching party. India lives in villages. Yet there is a craze among rural people to get urbanized. A group of at least two devotees would travel from... read more
Esteem For Sacred Writings by Urmila Devi Dasi
Pure chanting of God's names requires reverence for God in all His forms , including revealed scripture. This is the seventh in a series of articles on offenses to be avoided when trying to progress spiritually by chanting God's names. This article... read more