The Swirling Smoke of Fragrant Love by Urmila Devi Dasi
How incense fits into the practice of the yoga of devotion. The desire for a pleasant fragrance fuels the world’s perfume industry at twenty-seven billion dollars a year;1 soaps, laundry detergents, and the various household cleaners generally have scent added;... read more
Offering Dandavat – A Nurturing Display of Surrender by Urmila Devi Dasi
A simple yet elegant way for each of us to yield to the loving desire of the Supreme Whole. Surrender. Submission. Such words may conjure up images of war and aggression, where the weaker party regretfully yields to the stronger, possibly with thoughts of future... read more
Meditation While Working by Urmila Devi Dasi
After many years of service in a spiritual environment, a job in a public school challenges one devotee’s attempts to always remember Krishna. The Lone Mystic sitting in a mountain cave by a clear, flowing river, with access to ample fruit and nut trees,... read more
The Krishna-Avanti School by Tattvavit Dasa and Urmila Devi Dasi
Welcome to England’s first state-funded Krishna centered school, a state-of-theart learning environment that nurtures Vaishnava values. In many parts of the world, parents must choose between free secular education and expensive religious-based schools.... read more