Dressed for Spiritual Success by Urmila Devi Dasi
The fashion conscious are marveling at what a straight piece of cotton or silk can do. Devotees of Krsna have long known the spiritual advantages of the sari and the dhoti. Love for God, Krsna. How wonderful it would be! Divine, universal love is all we need to save... read more
Meditation For the Modern Age by Drutakarma Dasa
What is meditation? How does it work? What are its benefits? Should you meditate? Dr. John Heider, a psychologist, believes that meditation "is as necessary to a life of growth as regular brushing is to dental hygiene." Sounds harmless enough.... read more
Who Are You by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
You won't find out by examining your body's parts or even its color, race, nationality, sex, or occupation. The search for identity must go beyond the body and mind. A lecture in Bombay in December 1972, sri bhagavan uvaca idam sariram kaunteya ksetram... read more