Three Nights Before Tulasi by Vamsi Vihari Dasa
Based on Sri Caitanya-Caritamrta It was late in the night.A prostitute entered Haridasa Thakura's hutun noticed.Offering obeisances to the Tulasi plant inside,she stood on the threshold of the door. Exposing a part of her body to him,she addressed... read more
Taking Care Of Tulasi Devi
The most important and fundamental principle of Tulasi care is regular and perpetua l care.She is a pure devotee,and her requirements are few and simple. She simply requires her own quarters with direct sunlight,where She can grow without disturbances and... read more
Serving Krsna By Serving Tulasi by Vishakha Devi Dasi
The luxurious grouth of one of krsna"s greatest, who appears in a special from,attests to the devotion of two of her dedicated caretakers Srila Prabhupada once quoted an atheist as saying,"What is the use of watering the Tulasi plant?It is better to... read more
Service To The Divine Couple
In his Sri Sri Radha-Krsnaganoddesa-dipika,Srila Rupa Goswami describes Vrnda Devi as the best of Krsna's gopi messengers. The gopi messengers expertl y know the geography of Vrndavana,and they intimately know each grove and garden there. They are also... read more