Can I hurt others without getting hurt ? by Subha Vilasa Dasa
Perhaps the toughest human emotion to deal with is the feeling of being hurt. This feeling only escalates when the one who hurts you is also the one you love the most. Most people try to deal with hurt by hurting the other person. The result is an ugly relationship.... read more
A Lesson on Problem-Solving by Subha Vilasa Dasa
How long can you wait when electricity goes away? How long can you tolerate being in a no-range zone? How quickly do you want to solve the problems in life? One word less in most people’ vocabulary is patience. Fast food, fast pace, fast cars, fast gadgets... read more
Can Your Talent be your Enemy ? by Subha Vilasa Dasa
Can your talent help you solve all equations in the arithmetic of life? Do people hate you even though you are talented? Sometimes talent that has helped you gain the greatest accolades in life becomes a hurdle for accolades in relationships. Often the most talented... read more
The Paralysis-by-Analysis Syndrome by Subha Vilasa Dasa
Are you an over-thinker who analyses everything to the point of exhaustion? Or do you know people who prowl around with a magnifying glass hysterically analyzing every situation or every person around them? Does analysis sometimes lead you to paralysis? Does... read more