Worldwide Activities of Krishna Consciousness
Fifty Padayatras to Celebrate ISKCON’s Fiftieth Anniversary Starting March 2014 till the end of 2016, ISKCON’s Padayatra Ministry will organize 50 padayatras all over the world. Padayatra is a low-cost project of variable duration that can be carried out... read more
Helpless but not Hopeless by Vraja Bihari Dasa
"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope" – Martin Luther King, Jr. Practicing Krishna consciousness helps you become helpless, yet we don’t feel hopeless. A devotee may face repeated disappointments, but he’s... read more
Is Real Love in Kisses and Gifts ? by Subha Vilasa Dasa
Public display of affection (PDA) is condemned by the orthodoxy and is given a thumbs-up by the liberal. How does one really convey love? Is there a scale on which your love can be measured? Does the number of kisses and gifts we share give an idea of the depth of... read more
i-Gnore by Sutapa Dasa
Good advice is easy to give but hard to take. As soon as we’re offered those words of wisdom, the defence systems kick in and the mind reels off a thousand justifications. A man is seldom corrected without significant resistance. A shame, since the critical... read more