Nature in Control by Nagaraja Dasa
Science and technology have made amazing progress over the last hundred years. We seem to know a lot more now about how things work than at any other time in history. And even though science still searches for a theory that explains everything, it has learned enough... read more
HOPE The Bedrock of Spiritual Progress by Visakha Devi Dasi
To ensure the health of our spiritual life, we must transform material hope into spiritual hope. Hope the recognition within the human heart that something better is attainable can mean the difference between life and death. In Man’s Search for Meaning,... read more
Silent Sounds by Urmila Devi Dasi
On a visit to schools for the deaf, Hare Krishna devotees find more evidence that bhakti-yoga is for everyone. It’s easy to imagine being blind. A simple close of the eyelids in a somewhat dark place or a walk through an unlit room at night, and we can empathize... read more
Govardhana Meditations by Vaisesika Dasa
A sampling of the thousands of pilgrims who honor sacred Govardhana Hill during the special month known as Karttika. There’s not a more charming or mysterious place in the universe than Govardhana Hill in Vraja Mandala, some ninety miles south of Delhi. While... read more