Awakened Intelligence by Dravida Dasa
kamadinam kati na katidha palita durnidesas tesam jata mayi na karuna na trapa nopasantih utsrjyaitan atha yadu-pate sampratam labdha-buddhis tvam ayatah saranam abhayam mam niyunksvatma-dasye In how many ways have I sought to obey The seductive demands of my wicked... read moreVedic Thoughts, Volume-32 Number-05, 1998
The liberated soul who merges into the existence of the Lord is no better than the trees. Trees also stand in the Lord's existence, because material energy and the Lord's energy are the same. Similarly, the Brahman effulgence is also the energy of the Supreme... read more
India at Fifty-one by Tattvavit Dasa
THE COVER STORY, "India Turning Fifty," in National Geographic (May 1997) quoted Nehru, India's first prime minister, as having said that, after independence from Britain, India would rediscover herself. To Nehru, this rediscovery meant that... read more