Unemployment and The Decline of Small Farms by Hare Krsna Devi Dasi
A MATERIALISTIC PERSON, thinking himself very advanced in intelligence, continually acts for economic development. But again and again, as enunciated in the Vedas, he is frustrated by material activities, either in this life or in the next. Indeed, the... read more
The Playful Mood by Urmila Devi Dasi
FIFTEEN CHILDREN between two and five years old stood at one end of our living room. Some inched away from the wall. All waited. "Be cowherd boys!" I called, and the children pretended to blow flutes and horns or bring a cow by a rope. Pretending in this... read more
Cooking Class: Lesson 11 by Yamuna Devi
Moist Vegetables ALMOST ANYONE who has eaten Indian food has been served at least one. It's commonplace in far too many Indian restaurants an overcooked mush of greasy vegetables. Such dishes are a mockery of Indian vegetable cookery. You often find them in muted... read more
Turn Off That Set! by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
IN THE AIRPORT LOUNGE on my last flight to Europe, I couldn't escape. We found the last two seats in the boarding section, and they faced the TV sports report. It was a boxing match. The black guy hit the white guy twice in the face, and the referee stopped the... read more