Pessimists With a Solution by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
On the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, the Duke of Windsor said, "The older I get, the more cynical I get…. I just think things are going to get worse." He also worried about the kind of world his grandchildren would inherit. He was a pessimist.... read more
Now Irish Eyes Are Smiling by Mathuresa Dasa
Krsna Consciousness On the Emerald Isle July 18 Through a clearing in the trees, Prthu dasa points north across the windswept lake to a green mountain rising in the distance above the rolling Irish countryside. On that mountain, he says, a fifth-century Christian... read more
None For The Nuns by Dvarakadhisa Devi Dasi
Little babies are so cute. With their bodies so soft and tiny and their bright eyes so innocent and trusting, how they pull on the heart. And when they break into their toothless smiles, how they charm. Even though babies have certain repugnant habits and seem to soil... read more
Statue Of Libertines by Nayanabhirama Dasa
Every morning, weather permitting, around half past five I take my morning constitutional, chanting quietly on my beads as I walk from our Brooklyn Radha-Govinda Temple on Schermerhorn Street down to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. There under the locust trees I sit... read more