A look at the worldwide activities of the
International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)
Bangladesh Devotees Bring Krsna to the Masses
Bangladesh Equipped with a new Isuzu minibus, ISKCON devotees here travel throughout the country distributing the teachings of Lord Krsna to the eager populace. In the past six months, under the direction of His Holiness Prabhavisnu Swami, the devotees have covered all of Bangladesh. Prabhavisnu Swami travels ahead of the party to arrange festivals, which attract thousands of people. The festivals include the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, the distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books (translated into Bengali by His Holiness Bhakticaru Swami), a feast of krsna-prasadam (sanctified food prepared for and offered to Lord Krsna), and a video presentation.
Second Issue of ISKCON Review Published
Philadelphia ISKCON Review, an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the academic study of the Hare Krsna movement has just published its second annual issue. The journal's purpose, as stated in its first issue, is "to stimulate and communicate as well as to review research and reflection on the Hare Krishna movement in all its aspects. It is intended both for those who have a direct interest in ISKCON as well as for those whose general interest in Hindu traditions, new religious movements, or contemporary spirituality might be served by a deeper awareness of the movement." The first issue which reproduced papers (summarized or in full) presented at an American Academy of Religion panel titled "A Current Look at ISKCON from Inside and Outside" has been well received by the international academic community.
The second issue of ISKCON Review contains a symposium on "Krishna Consciousness and other Religions," which includes articles by Subhananda dasa, ISKCON's director of interreligious affairs and the editor of ISKCON Review, Kenneth Rose of the Harvard Divinity School, and Dr. John A. Saliba, S. J., of the Religious Studies Department of the University of Detroit.
Also in the second issue is an article titled "Academics in Krishnaland," by Dr. Glenn Yocum of the Department of Philosophy and Religion of Whittier College. There is also a report on the ISKCON-sponsored "World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion," held last January in Bombay, by Dr. Eileen Barker of the Sociology Department of the London School of Economics; an interview with the late renowned Indologist A. L. Basham; and a review-essay by Charles R. Brooks, of the Anthropology Department of the University of Hawaii, on a recently published book on the Hare Krsna movement.
ISKCON Review is sent to over one thousand academics and professionals throughout the world. For information on obtaining a copy of ISKCON Review, see "Resources," page 22.
Temple Opens In Mombassa
Mombassa, Kenya With assistance from ISKCON life members as well as other friends from the local Indian community, a new temple opened here last April. Temple president Madhavadeva dasa oversaw the temple construction project, which was completed in one year. Friends donated most of the construction materials and handled all the planning, contracting, and building.
The temple was built to facilitate the thousands of congregational members who regularly attend ISKCON festivals here. Six thousand attended the temple opening, and hundreds of thousands witnessed the Ratha-yatra festival held in conjunction with the grand opening. The installation of the Deities of Sri Sri Rukmini-Dvarakadhisa highlighted the week of festivities.