Krsna the Cause of All Causes by Hamsaduta Swami
Iskcon Heidelberg For want of a taste of things spiritual, a grave doubt arises in the minds of those who are enchained by worldly knowledge. On hearing a narration of the pastimes of Krsna, they think that the truth regarding Krsna is a mental concoction created by... read moreLetters, Volume-01 Number-54, 1973
The editors of Back to Godhead welcome correspondence pertaining to the subject matter of Krsna consciousness. All letters will be personally replied, and correspondence of special interest will be published regularly. The following exchange is reprinted... read more
Gurukula New Hope for Humanity by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
Why There Is a Need for Gurukula Anyone who visits a few of the hundreds of big universities in the United States and other advanced nations will see an impressive array of opulence. Every big state university has dozens of modern buildings with plush student unions,... read more