Finding a Guru by Nagaraja Dasa
The Live Help volu nteers on Krishna. com are often asked, “How do I find a guru in ISKCON ?” It’s not an easy question to answer. But it is a good question. Srila Prabhupada repeatedly stresses the need for a spiritual master. In one sense,... read more
My Journey to Theism by Kishore Kumar Sarder
“Though I was an atheist, God always attracted me, and He was a real mystery to me.” “Though I was an atheist, God always attracted me, and He was a real mystery to me.” When I was a fourteen-yearold schoolboy, I met a communist who gave... read more
Taking Aim at the Supreme Target by Mohini Radha Devi Dasi
Pure devotion to Krishna is the ultimate goal of spiritual life, and also the means to achieve it. What do you see?” the sage Drona asked his young students one after another. The Mahabharata describes an episode when Dron-acharya tested his students, who... read more
Divine Desire Fulfilled by Radhika Krpa Devi Dasi
On the first anniversary of the installation of Krishna-Balarama at ISKCON Punjabi Bagh, a temple member recalls the spirit of cooperation behind the fulfillment of Prabhupada’s desire. Haribol! Hurry up! We’re getting late!” My husband was... read more