Seeing God
This is a continuation of a conversation between His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and reporters in Melbourne, Australia, on June 29, 1974. Srila Prabhupada: So religion means to abide by the laws of God. That's all. It cannot be... read more
In Pursuit Of American Happiness by Sthita Dhi Muni Dasa
The New York stock market crash last fall, which set off similar dives in foreign markets, prompted financial experts to offer reassuring perspectives on the grim fact that investors had lost billions of dollars (and yen and marks and pounds). The plunge was only a... read more
The Acre / Cow Theory by Mathuresa Dasa
The New York stock market crash last fall, which set off similar dives in foreign markets, prompted financial experts to offer reassuring perspectives on the grim fact that investors had lost billions of dollars (and yen and marks and pounds). The plunge was only a... read more