Gurukula: School for the Soul by Dvarakanatha Dasa
A young teacher talks about what it's like to work with the children at ISKCON's primary school in Los Angeles. Born thirty-one years ago, in Cleveland, Ohio, Dvarakanatha dasa graduated from the University of Florida. In 1972 he began work at ISKCON's... read more
A brief look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness UN Conference Welcomes Vedic Alternative This June, in Vancouver, Canada, 4,500 delegates from 135 countries met in an atmosphere of emergency. Their goal: to improve human... read more
How Much Faith Should We Put in Education? by Ravindra Svarupa Dasa
With theories being established, taught, and discarded like disposable napkins, a father wonders whether his child will get a real education. In the summer of 1970, I felt for the first time the fear that parents know when their child ventures out into the world. My... read more
Krsna Meditation
Krsna was very pleased with the atmosphere of the Vrndavana forest, where flowers bloomed and bees and drones hummed jubilantly. While the birds, trees, and branches were all looking very happy, Krsna, tending the cows and accompanied by Sri Balarama and the cowherd... read more