Captured by Krsna by Yadubara Dasa
A Peace Corps veteran tells how on his first professional photo assignment he became interested in Krsna consciousness. I was staying with some friends on Long Island, in July, 1970, when Asia Magazine called and gave me my first professional... read moreISKCON News, Volume-11 Number-05, 1976
A brief look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness Relieving the "Religious" War Years of bitter fighting, terrorist bombings, armored cars, and patrolling troops have made residents of Belfast, Northern Ireland,... read more
Eyes to See God by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
An excerpt from On the Way to Krsna, "You cannot see Me with your present eyes. Therefore I give you divine eyes, so that you can behold My mystic opulence" (Bhagavad-gita 11.8) How can we get the eyes to see God? How can we become God... read more
The Form of God: Fact or Fancy? by Candidasa Dasa
Is God a formless force, or the supreme eternal person ? Very often the readers of BACK TO GODHEAD become puzzled when they see a picture of Lord Krsna. Usually they have been exposed only to Western religious philosophy, which hints that God is a person the eternal... read more