Africa’s Bright Future
Independence through Krsna Consciousness Practical solutions to Africa's economic, political and social problems. An interview with His Holiness Chayavana Svami, Chairman of ISKCON's African Mission. BTG: What do you regard as the challenge of the... read more
Farm Report by Balavanta Dasa
Over the past eight years, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness has established successful farming communities in various parts of the world. As national economies flounder and cities go bankrupt, ISKCON's farms flourish and grow, proving that the... read moreLetters – Volume-10 Number-12, 1975
The editors of BACK TO GODHEAD welcome correspondence pertaining to spiritual enlightenment. All letters will receive personal replies, and correspondence of general interest will he published regularly. Dear Editors, It has been one year since I received my copy... read more
How the Hare Krsna Movement Came to Africa by Brahmananda Swami
The story of how the Hare Krsna movement came to Africa starts in 1971 in the United States. I was in Tallahassee, Florida, teaching an experimental course in Krsna consciousness at the state university, when I received a letter from my spiritual master, His Divine... read more