Welcome, Volume-49 Number-04, 2015
In 1966, Srila Prabhupada led his followers in what was probably the first public chanting (kirtana) of Krishna’s names outside India. The three-hour kirtana in New York’s Tompkins Square Park attracted attention, and public kirtanas became a prominent feature... read more
Welcome, Volume-49 Number-03, 2015
Shatakshi Goyal, the author of the cover story in this issue, grew up in Boise, Idaho, where she was home-schooled and later earned an engineering degree at age eighteen. She worked in her profession for two years before giving it up to study the classic arts of... read more
Welcome, Volume-49 Number-02, 2015
The founder of the Hare Krishna movement, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, sailed to America from India in 1965. He was on a mission to deliver an urgent two-part message to everyone in the world: perfect your life by becoming Krishna conscious,... read more
Welcome, Volume-48 Number-05, 2014
Readers outside India may never have heard of Noida, where an impressive ISKCON temple opened in February. It’s a planned township across the Yamuna River from New Delhi. Started in the 1970s, it has grown steadily, and since 1998 ISKCON’s presence has... read more