India’s Heritage by Purusottama Dasa
Why Accept a Spiritual Master? I WAS BORN INTO a Hindu family, and from an early age I was taught the necessity of accepting a spiritual master. Also early on, I was disciplined to get up every day at 4:00 A.M., bathe, meditate, say prayers to Lord Krsna and Lord Rama... read moreThe Spiritual Master
How to Find Him … How to Honor Him … How to Follow Him From the Vyasa-Puja addresses of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness Garlanded with roses and... read more
Able Guidance by Dhanurdhara Swami
There's an emphatic command in the Vedic texts that no human being can afford to ignore. In West Bengal, India, in 1900, twenty-six-year-old Bimala Prasada Datta, an accomplished scholar in mathematics, astronomy, and theology, was requested by his father to seek... read more
Establishing the Proof: Who Is a Real Guru?
Among the naive, of course, one may pass for a spiritual master by wearing robes and a beard, bearing a twinkle in one's eye, performing some magic tricks, or speaking riddles. But intelligent people won't settle for these outer trappings A Special Article by... read more