The Future Church of the World
The following, by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, a predecessor spiritual master of the Hare Krsna movement, is taken from an essay that first appeared in the Thakura's monthly journal Sajjana-tosani, published in the 1880s. THE RELIGION preached by [Caitanya]... read more
Near Death While Out Chanting by Locanananda Dasa
Devotees are ready to take risks to assist the Lord in His mission ALL GLORIES TO Sri Krsna sankirtana, the chanting of the holy names of the Lord," Yajna Pu-rusa Dasa and I recite as the D train makes its way toward midtown Manhattan.... read more
Kirtana in Kwazulu by Indradyumna Swami
"The local chief was simply too suspicious to grant us permission to enter his domain, but I knew that Lord Caitanya would not have brought us here without a reason." Sitting in an office in Durban, South Africa, we anxiously awaited a message from the chief... read more