From Ignorance to Bliss by Vraja Kishor Dasa
PART 1 The Beginning of Good Fortune TWO GUYS see a Hare Krsna. One thinks it dumb; the other thinks it interesting. Why is that? Adau sraddha. One guy has sraddha; the other guy doesn't. Sraddha means "faith." Not "Amen, I believe"... read more
Transcendental Telephone by Vraja Kishor Dasa
WHEN I TOLD my father I wanted to dedicate my activities to Krsna's pleasure, he tried to talk me out of it. One of his arguments: "How can you dedicate yourself to serving God? You don't even know what He wants you to do!" Not such a bad argument.... read more
Dead and Gone by Vraja Kishor Dasa
I REMEMBER WHEN my grand-father died. I was pretty young then; the exact age escapes me. He was so cool. There was nothing I didn't like about him. He was a rip to hang out with. He was nice to people. He ate and drank with gusto and made his own Italian wine in... read more
Thorn by Vraja Kishor Dasa
CHEW THE THORN. Drink the blood. Call it pleasure. "Quench that thirst." Sex is suffering. Bleed envy. Bleed jealousy. Bleed heartache. Call it pleasure. Chew the thorn. I won't. Go ahead, say it. Call me a fanatic. I don't mind it's not the... read more