Thanks for a Million and More
I always enjoy reading BTG and I found this issue [July/August] particularly interesting. The graphic article on the repression of our Armenian devotees was especially moving, and Ravindra Svarupa's explanation of the origin of the conditioned soul was simply brilliant.
Having attended the opening of Srila Prabhupada's Pushpa Samadhi [memorial temple] in Mayapur this year, I was also pleased to see your four-page coverage of this historical event. However, I believe BTG was seriously remiss in not mentioning even once the name of the devotee who made this wonderful monument possible. I mean, of course, Sriman Ambarisa Dasa, who donated more than $1 million for the building. You even included a photo of Ambarisa Prabhu bathing Srila Prabhupada's murti but failed to identify him.
Srila Prabhupada was always careful to recognize devotees for the service they render. As he often said, we are not impersonalists.
Hari-sauri Dasa
Alachua, Florida
OUR REPLY: You're right. Ambarisa Prabhu deserves our special thanks.
Also worthy of recognition: Surabhi Dasa for designing the building, Matsya Avatara Dasa for completing the interior design, Pancaratna Dasa, Kadamba Kanana Dasa, and Sadbhuja Dasa for overseeing construction, the Sri Mayapur Development Committee for all sorts of work, the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust and many ISKCON temples for financial contributions, and the many other devotees who gave of themselves for Srila Prabhupada's samadhi in various ways. And again, special thanks to Ambarisa Dasa.
Tears for the Victims
I was reading the July/August Back to Godhead magazine, and the article "Persecution in Armenia" really touched my heart. After reading the article, I could not stop the tears falling out of my eyes. The devotees over there who were victimized felt like my own family, even though I have never heard of them before.
Monica Prasad
Hayward, California
Monica also sent a letter to the president of Armenia, signed by her and forty of her teenage friends, asking him to protect the devotees of Krsna in his country. Editor
Preach and Compete
Hare Krsna. I am ten years old and a devotee of Krsna. I am writing to thank all of you who produce BTG magazine. Its many articles and features have helped to inspire me. My father has always preached to my brothers and sisters and me of the glory of Krsna and service to Him.
I recently took up karate, and Krsna consciousness has greatly helped me in my training. Throughout a recent five-day tournament, many coaches and competitors inquired about the Jagannatha bead bag my father was wearing. In this way we were able to preach about Krsna throughout the tournament.
Thanks again for your inspiring work.
Aaron Jai Jevons
Rensselaer, New York
Inner Change
While going through our school's old magazines in the library, I came across an old issue of your devotional magazine. I was really taken with it. All your articles and photographs were heart-touching, especially "Srila Prabhupada Speaks Out."
Every day I went through the same magazine, and it has really changed my inner self. Right now, I am impatiently searching for a true peace. I am dying to do something in life through devotional dedication towards God. That would really lead me to fulfill my desire.
Binita Borchetia
Golaghat, Assam, India
Who's Who of the Gods Is Welcome in Trinidad
The current BTG feature "The Glories of the Demigods," by Satyaraja Dasa, is most welcome for us here in Trinidad and Tobago. Both the Hindus and the non-Hindus appreciate the opportunity to understand who is who amongst the devata-demigods and understand the difference between them and Krsna or Sri Ramacandra. We encourage Satyaraja Prabhu to continue.
Rama Devi Dasi
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad
In the September/October issue, we neglected to give the name of the artist who did the painting on the inside front cover. The artist's name is Bhakta Nicolai Zibovski, from Ukraine, Russia.
In the July/August issue (page 23), the address for the Armenian Embassy in the United States was incorrect. The correct address is 1660 L. St. NW, Suite 210, Washington DC 20036.
We regret the errors.