There's nothing
so sublime and pure 
As knowledge
of the soul 
And loving service
to the Lord 
As part
unto the whole.

Of knowledge
'tis the ripened fruit 
For which
the mystics long. 
Whoever tastes it
finds a joy 
Which makes
the spirit strong.

The faithful man
who is absorbed 
In knowledge
such as this 
Can conquer
over lust and hate 
To taste
the highest bliss.

The doubting soul
can find no joy 
In this world
or the next, 
The faithless man
forever remains
and perplexed.

But one
who is a friend to God
And lives
for Him alone
Can feel
a special joy within, 
To others
quite unknown.

Illusion spawned
these feverish doubts Which in 
our heart 
With sword of knowledge
firm in hand 
her cunning lies.

Thus armed with knowledge
stand and fight. 
O conqu'ror
of the foe, 
And God
will give you victory
you may go.