The worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)
World News
North America
Hurricane Andrew's 120-mile-per-hour winds caused minor damage to the ISKCON temple in Miami, Florida a broken window and some uprooted trees. Devotees were attending mangala-arati when the heart of the hurricane, headed straight for Miami, turned south to Dade county, where the 150-mile-per-hour winds caused billions of dollars in damage.
Two devotees died when their small plane crashed less than a mile from the airport where they were supposed to land. The devotees, Uttama Seva Dasa Brahmacari and Danavira Nitai Dasa Brahmacari, were returning from delivering prasadam to victims of hurricane Andrew in Louisiana. The two were mainstays of the New Orleans temple.
The "KrishnaFest" traveling party has been touring the U. S., presenting cultural programs with chanting, philosophy, prasadam, and a drama called "The Age of Kali."
New temples are rising at two ISKCON farms New Ramana Reti in northern Florida and Gita Nagari in south-eastern Pennsylvania. The new temples will replace old ones now too small. The temples will both be Indian style.
ISKCON Detroit is building "Srinathaji Hall," a temple for the Deity Srinathaji.

Gopala Krsna Goswami With Ashok Hinduja
The Hinduja Foundation is joining forces with ISKCON to build a cultural center in New Delhi. The center will include a temple, museum, library, park, and center for performing arts. Work has begun at the three-acre hilltop site, overlooking Nehru Place.
Twenty thousand people took part in the seventh annual Rathayatra (Festival of the Chariots) in Bhubaneswar, capital of Orissa. The festival went on for nine days.
Latin America

Bhakti Abhay Carana Swami leads in Kirtan
Nicaragua is receiving visits again from devotees of Krsna. Long absent, devotees have lately been spreading Krsna consciousness in Managua, the capital.
Dr. Nelson Mandela visited ISKCON's Temple of Understanding in Durban, South Africa. He and twenty-five members of the African National Congress toured the temple and had lunch at its restaurant, Govinda's.
Commonwealth of Independent States
Nearly 3,000 devotees gathered in Gorky Park in July for Moscow's annual Festival of the Chariots.
Padayatra News

Padayatra America Enter Jocoro
Padayatra America
Having walked through El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua, the devotees continue their journey south, through Costa Rica and Panama.
Padayatra Worldwide
Countries that held summer or fall Padayatras this year: England, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Mauritius, and Malaysia.
Confirmed for next year: New Zealand (January) and Hungary (summer).
"How to Start Your Own Padayatra," a detailed manual, is now available from the Padayatra Worldwide office in New Delhi. Cost: US $16, plus $4.00 for overseas postage.
For more information about Padayatra, write to:
Padayatra Worldwide
62, Sant Nagar (near Nehru Place), New Delhi 110 065 India. Phone: +91 (11) 642-1736. Fax: +91 (11) 647-0742
Padayatra America
1111 Grand Ave., San Diego, CA 92109. Phone: (619) 273-7262.
Padayatra Europe
Bhaktivedanta Manor, Lecthmore Heath, Watford, Herts. WD2 8EP, England. Phone: +44 (92) 385-7244