Risky Education by Drutakarma Dasa and Jayadvaita Swami
Where does the search for knowledge lead when the scholars we follow are hollow? WHEN Sanatana Gosvami left his government post and came to Caitanya Mahaprabhu for the first time, he asked the Lord, 'What is education?' Although Sanatana Gosvami knew a... read more
The Culture of the Soul by Visakha Devi Dasi
Living naturally, studying the basics, cultivating transcendental knowledge these students from five continents know the real meaning of higher education. Rama-prasada's father earns ten rupees (eighty-five cents) a day as a farm laborer. He and his wife live in... read more
Higher Education by Amogha Dasa
At School With Krsna's Canadian Kids In Vancouver, children at a Hare Krsna school learn and play in an atmosphere of love. They rise at 4:00 a.m., chant Hare Krsna and dance, and stand respectfully when their teachers enter the classroom. They're vegetarians,... read more
Childrens Books with a Spiritual Theme by Yogesvara Dasa
Higher Education An alternative to literary junk food. Soon after its beginnings in 1966 in a small New York storefront, the Krsna consciousness movement grew to include thousands of full-time devotees. By 1970 it was evident that we would need schools for training... read more